“ Dear Lee, look after your health. Having made the necessary moves to right any problem, dismiss it as far as possible from your mind. Survival technique from one who knows!!

If you crack up its goodbye to the Hy-Vong venture.

Regards to Alison.”

Fr. Jim Fallon MSC

I felt I could not leave. Fr Strangman had died founding this work. The boys had been through so much as a result of the war and their escape and Br Curry had lost a leg. The accident created a huge extra workload. (4 hospitals, ongoing medical treatment at Hy-Vong and legal issues of compensation and the day to day needs to be met  which were already very demanding.) I asked for extra help from the MSC but did not receive a reply. I suffered burn out and my wife left me taking our children. I know now I was suffering PTSD/I. I was very ill. There is much more that could be said but I will leave that to the book I'm writing. Lee Borradale.